ATP = ENERGY How to have more energy

Do you ever have those days when you go to the gym but you feel like you are out of energy? You just cannot perform the repetitions with as much quality as usually or you cannot lift the same weight. Or you might even feel like your daily schedule is draining your energy and that is what is taking your energy.

If that is the case, you might have used up lots of your energy in your muscles. Every contraction that you perform requires lots of energy. If you use your muscles repetitively, you will loose the energy to perform movements with heavy loading.

How to get Energy?


In your body, the mitochondria (powerhouse of your body)n is synthesizing ATP which is responsible for releasing energy in the body (you can imagine it like a battery).  The ATP consists of 3 phosphates that are bind together. Every time you contract your muscles, the ATP release one phosphate which releases the energy. Now you have enough energy for muscle contraction. However, the ATP lost one phosphate. Now it is ADP (2 phosphates), which is not capable of releasing more energy. At this point in your body, creatine comes into play. It binds to a phosphate and delivers it to re-create the triple phosphate chain (ATP) that yields energy. Now you can perform more muscle contraction. If you work(out) a lot, your body will be deprived of the creatine. You will not be able to make more phosphate chains that give you energy.


So, to have more energy in your body you need to take in more creatine. Now, do not think you have to take supplements to have more energy in your body. I have never taken creatine before but, but I managed to keep my energy level high to perform high quality workouts. How did I do that? Creatine is a natural molecule that is synthesized from your liver. You can also get lots of creatine from beef, chicken, or fish. I have a good amount of chicken in my diet. My creatine level in the body was usually very high. That is why I never had bad problems with my energy level.

Throughout the last weeks this changed. I had to change my meal plan due to the lack of time. It takes too much time to cook and I cannot always go to the grocery store. For this reason, I am considering to implement creatine as a supplement in my meal plan. It is nothing different to the molecule that is in the food I am eating. Additionally, it is more pure and I do not have to worry about cooking too much.


If supplements are a No-Go to you, that is no problem. You can still receive energy from your meal plan with your “normal” foods. If you are out of energy constantly, consider taking creatine as a supplement. It is a natural molecule that you can find in your food and your body and there are no consequences if you do not like it after taking it.

I hope this post will help your fitness life.

Thank you for reading 🙂

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